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Shri Shiridi Sai Baba

Shri Shiridi Sai Baba

Ch - 03 Sri Guru Charitra

Durwas Curses King Ambarish 

Namdharak - "Swamiji, you have removed my doubt by giving me the knowledge of the greatness of Shri Guru. I am much pleased at heart. Will you kindly inform me where you stay? 

What is your food? I wish to be in your service. Kindly accept me as your disciple".

Shri Siddha embraced him with affection and blessing him said, "You will see that miraculous incidents are occurring at the dwelling place of Shri Guru. Studying the life of Shri Guru is like draining nectar. I always read this life again and again" saying this he showed his sacred book titled (Life of Shri Guru) to Namdharak and further said, "Whatever pleasure or social status we desire, we shall get it soon by reading this. We shall not be affected by any disease incurred due to displeasure of the planets or other reasons. The sin of killing a Brahmin is also wiped off if this book is read with devotion and concentration of mind".

Namdharak - "Oh the Ocean of kindness, you appear to me be Shri guru himself. I wish to know the life of Shri Guru. Will you please remove the darkness of my ignorance by the light of this life of Shri Guru, which is as bright as the Sun?"

Shri Siddha assured him and holding his hand took him to a lovely place, seated him under Ashwattha tree, which is like Kalpa Vriksha, i.e. a tree fulfilling one's desires and began to narrate him the nectar like life of Shri Guru.

He told him, "You do not know how to serve Shri Guru and hence you have to suffer from anxieties, pains and miseries. You should therefore, try to know Shri Guru by good actions and firm belief".

Namdharak - "My body is burning due to threefold fires in this earthly ocean. I am obsessed by sex, anger and temptation. So kindly take me in the boat of knowledge, steer it by the wind of kindness and thus give salvation to me".

Shri Siddha said, "You need not be anxious. You will surely be relieved of your miseries, engrossed in illusion and temptation, those who doubt the great power of Shri Guru, they have always to suffer from poverty and hardship. So give up suspicion. Shri Guru is an Ocean of Kindness. He will give you everything. Just as clouds give rain everywhere, similarly Shri Guru gives showers of kindness. As water is stored in the deep portions of earth and on the rocky place, so an individual attains Shri Guru's favor. Therefore worship Shri Guru wholeheartedly."
Namdharak - "My mind is clear now and I am anxious to listen to the life story of Shri Guru. Kindly tell me why Shri Guru took birth in Bharat?"

Shri Siddha - "Oh! My good disciple, you have given inspiration to me. Shri Guru's life is like Kamadhenu. You will get all the four valor’s or favors viz., religion, wealth, pleasure and salvation.

"Shri Hari and Shri Har have to come this Earth in the form of different species at different times for the benefits of their devotees. Three Murtis have three different characteristics - Brahma's Rajas, Vishnu's Satwa and Shiva's Tamas. But these do not exist separately.

"In former times there lived a King by name Ambarish. He observed Ekadashi fast (11th day of every fortnight dark and bright). He induced Shri Vishnu to come to Earth.

"In order to test Ambarish's Ekadashi Vrata, Durwas Rishi came to him as a guest. That day Sadhan Dwadashi was only for 24 minutes after Sunrise. Ambarish received the Rishi warmly, worshiped him and requested him to return soon for dinner finishing his morning bath and rituals.

"Durvas went to the river, took bath and started rituals. Seeing that the time for Dwadashi (12th day of fortnight) was finishing and fearing the break of his Vrata, Ambarish took holy water and dines. In the meanwhile Durvas returned and seeing that Ambarish had dined before him, he was enraged and so he cursed Ambarish. 

"Ambarish prayed Shri Vishnu, Protector of devotees. Shri Vishnu came from Vaikunda, his abode. Ambarish told Shri Vishnu that Durvas had for no reason cursed him to take birth in different species. Shri Vishnu told Durvas that he had cursed Ambarish in vain and that he should curse him (Vishnu) instead of Ambarish.

"Durvas thought that people on Earth cannot see Shri Vishnu, so it would be better to ask Shri Vishnu to descend on Earth with Shri Lakshmi for the salvation of the people. So he said to Shri Vishnu, 'You should descend on the Earth ten times'.

For Destroying the wicked and giving relief to all, Shri Vishnu accepted Durva’s curse. You know the ten incarnations of Shri Vishnu which are narrated in Bhagvat.

‘Once Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh came in disguise to Sati Anusaya , the most respected Pativrata (devoted wife) Atri. I shall now tell this tale to you’
Sri Pada Sri Vallabh Sri Paduka

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