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Shri Shiridi Sai Baba

Shri Shiridi Sai Baba

Ch - 45 Sri Guru Charitra

Poet Narahari Becomes a Disciple of Shri Guru

Once some disciples took Shri Guru to their town Hipperge. This is a holy place of Kalleshwar. A Brahmin Narahari lived there. He was a great devotee of God Kalleshwar. He daily composed five new stanzas in praise of Kalleshwar and worshiped him devotedly. 

People told him the greatness of Shri Guru and requested him to compose poems in his praise. But Narahari said, 'I have sold my tongue to Kalleshwar and I shall not compose poems in praise of a human being'. As usual he went to the temple to worship Kalleshwar. While worshipping, he had a nap and he got asleep. He saw a dream that Shri Guru was sitting on the Shiva Linga and that he was worshiping Shri Guru. Later the Linga disappeared and Shri Guru only was seen. Shri Guru smiled and asked him 'You do not believe in a human being and then why are you worshiping me?'. 

Narahari awoke and wondered about the dream. He repented for underestimating Shri Guru Narasimha Saraswati, who was all incarnation of Shri Shiva. 

Immediately he went to see Shri Guru, bowed to him and said, 'Kindly forgive me. Without knowing your greatness I underestimated you, but now I know that you are Kalleshwar himself. When Kamadhenu is at home, why should one be anxious? Kindly let me have your blessings. I wish to serve you hereafter.' Saying this he began to praise Him. 

Shri Guru was pleased. He gave clothes to Narahari and accepted him as his disciple. Shri Guru said to him, 'Kalleshwar is great. You continue to worship him. Narahari said, 'When you yourself are Kalleshwar, why should I worship other Kalleshwar? I shall not go away leaving thy feet now.' In this way, Narahari poet also became a great devotee of Shri Guru.'

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