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Shri Shiridi Sai Baba

Shri Shiridi Sai Baba

Shiridi Sai Baba Bhaktas - BHAGOJI SHINDE

(He was giving Baba’s udhi to the devotees visiting Shirdi and was also putting the udhi in the mouths of some of the devotees. Though he was doing all these things on the orders of Baba, none suffered any ailment due to his handling of the udhi. It was Baba's protection that saved all).
Bhagoji   Shinde   was  a   resident   of    Shirdi    from    the beginning.   Bhagoji  Shinde   was  a   leper  and  stayed   with Baba. Bhagoji    was   related   to    Laxmibai  Shinde.     He was suffering from leprosy.  He  was losing the fingers  of  his hands  and   toes   in  the   legs.  But  with all these  problems, Bhagoji  served  Baba throughout  his  life  and  made his life memorable.

After Baba arrived in Shirdi, in the initial period, Baba distributed medicines to the poor and needy. When Bhagoji’s illness reached serious proportions, all his relatives gave up the hope about his survival. At that time, Baba went to Bhagoji’s house and gave him some medicines. Further, he branded Bhagoji with hot iron rod on his back and on both ears. He took Baba’s teerth which cured his disease, though he remained partially disfigured by that time. But, Baba did not allow his disease to become worse. He was a sort of attendant to Baba and was one among the closet to Baba. He was always engaged in the regular service to Baba. 
As regards daily routine of Baba, he would get up before the dawn and meditate while sitting leaning on the pillar by the side of the dhuni (holy fire) and then used to sit before the dhuni. No one was allowed to see what he was doing at that time. While sitting before the dhuni, he would perform some mystic signs with hands and chant words like, "Yaade Haq," "Allah Vali Hai," and "Allah Maalik Hai". Only Abdul Baba and Madhav Fasle would then enter the mosque and do the normal housekeeping work, such as sweeping the floor of the mosque, trimming the wicks of the lamps and refilling them with oil, and placing the firewood near the dhuni. As the day broke, Bhagoji was the first to enter the mosque in the early morning, every day. Bagoji used to fill up the chillum (smoking pipe) and light it. Then Baba would smoke and pass it on to Bhagoji. He used to smoke and return it to Baba. After few such exchanges, Bhagoji would go back to his home after massaging Baba’s hands and feet. Baba used to smoke the chillum given by Bhagoji with great love and affection. By about 7-30 A.M. or so, this routine would be over and by that time the devotees were ready to enter the mosque for the darshan of Baba. Baba would describe to them how he had protected his devotees who were far away from any harm during the previous night, and how he had conveyed those who died during the night, safely to heaven. The devotees would later learn that whatever Baba had stated was true when the devotees from distant places came to Shirdi to thank Baba for his help and narrate their experiences.

Bhagoji's house, known as Shindewada, is just behind Laxmibai Shinde’s house and is also near the Chavadi. The compound of Shindewada is adjacent to a pharmacy run by a relative of Bhagoji. He accompanied Baba to Lendibagh and had the privilege of carrying an umbrella over Baba’s head to give him shade, on all occasions.

Once Baba saved a child from falling into a burning furnace by putting his own hand in the dhuni in the masjid and getting it burnt and saved the life of a child. This happened in 1910 on a Diwali day when Baba was sitting before the dhuni and pushing faggots into the burning dhuni and suddenly put his hand and got it burnt. Seeing this, Shama dragged Baba back and enquired why he did like this. Baba immediately said that the wife of a blacksmith while working on the bellows of a furnace at a far off place in a hurry slipped her child into the burning furnace and that to protect the child from falling into the furnace Baba put his hand in the dhuni and got it burnt and saved the life of the child.  Instead of the child being burnt, he got his hand burnt and Baba thus took over on him the death-risk of the child.

Nanasaheb Chandorkar brought a famous doctor by the name, Dr.Paramanand from Bombay to Shirdi for Baba’s treatment. But, Baba did not allow the doctor to examine his hand. Instead, he asked Bhagoji to apply ghee to the burnt portion of his hand, place the leaf of a tree on it and then bandage it very tightly. Nanasaheb Chandorkar solicited Baba many a time to unfasten the bandage and get the wound examined and dressed and treated by Dr. Parmanand, with the object that it might be healed quickly. Dr. Parmanand himself made similar requests, but Baba declined, saying that Allah was his Doctor; and did not allow his arm to be examined by Dr. Paramanand. But the doctor had the good fortune of having a darshan of Baba. With the passage of time, the hand got cured of the burns. Even then, every day in early morning, Bhagoji used to remove the old bandage, massage the portion of hand, then once again apply ghee and tie a fresh bandage and this process continued for eight years, even after Baba’s hand was cured and this continued till Baba’s Mahasamadhi. Baba, being a perfect Siddha, did not really want this treatment, but out of love to his devotee, he allowed Bhagoji to continue to do this service uninterruptedly all along. Baba perhaps wanted Bhagoji to do this work uninterruptedly till his Masamadhi, only to bless him because of his past karmas (misdeeds in earlier lives). In the early mornings. this was the work Bhagoji did to Baba every day, besides other items of service.

During 1916 on the Vijayadasami day, Baba all of a sudden in a fit of anger, removed his head dress, kafni and also langota, tore them into pieces and threw all of them into the dhuni. And then Baba shouted in high pitch and in anger, asking all the people present there in the masjid to have a close look at his body and find out whether he was a Muslim or a Hindu. Every one in the masjid was shocked and trembled in fear. But Bhagoji who was there in the masjid at that time, came to Baba and tied a langoti to Baba who became cool and calm  in that night. Even otherwise, many devotees knew that Baba was a Hindu and his bodily signs confirmed that position.

Though he was suffering from leprosy, his fingers had shrunk, his body was full of pus and was emanating stench badly, he was really very lucky and fortunate, for he was the prominent servant of Baba, and got the benefit of his company continuously.  Bagoji, at the instance of Baba, was also giving Baba’s udhi (holy ash) to the devotees visiting Shirdi and was also putting the udhi in the mouths of some of the devotees. Though he was doing all these things on the orders of Baba, none suffered any ailment due to his handling of the udhi. Bhagoji continued this service till Baba’s Mahasamadhi. Really, Bhagoji was very fortunate to have the honour of being in the close company of Baba.

At the time of Baba’s Mahasamadhi, there were seven devotees in the masjid and Bhagoji Shinde was one among them. Then Baba gave Rs.9/- to Laxmibai Shinde. Then Baba said that he did not feel well in the masjid and that he should be taken to the Dagadiwada (stone building) of Booty where he would be alright and with these words, Baba leaned on Bayaji's body and went into Mahasamadhi. Bhagoji observed that his breathing had stopped and he immediately told about this to Nanasaheb Nimonkar who was sitting below. Thus he was one of the few devotees who served Baba till his Mahasamadhi. His was indeed a blessed soul. 

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Om Sai Ram...

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