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Shri Shiridi Sai Baba

Shri Shiridi Sai Baba

Ch - 12 Sri Guru Charitra

Narahari Becomes Shri Narasimha Saraswati

Narahari said, `This body is perishable. What is its guarantee? So long one has sound body, one should act virtuously. Your advice is for them, who have won victory over death. They can say, they will follow religion later. So one should do religious deeds in the childhood. There are three stages of life - the childhood, the youth and the old age. But it is not certain when one will die. Yamraj (God of death) is counting every moment of man's life, day and night. Knowing that the life is running fast, those who do not lead religious and virtuous life are like beasts. House, property, wife, children, mother - nothing is eternal. Old age kills a man, just as a crocodile devours him. Therefore, the wise man should do virtuous deeds in young age. Why do you then prevent me from going? This life is like a dream. As a power dries in air, the body of a man is getting more and more dry day by day. This body may perish in a moment.

Mother - `Dear child, you are advising me. You told me that I would have four sons. So you should stay with me till I have at least one son. If you go disregarding my request, I would give up my life instantly.' Narahari smiled and said, `what I have said will not be otherwise. However, after you get two sons let me go. Then I shall not stay here. I promise to stay here for one year.'
Thus Narahari lived there happily. All people wondered to see that a boy of seven knows all the Vedas and can teach the same. Crown up learned persons also came to him to learn Vedas and Shastras.

His mother became pregnant. After nine months she gave birth to two handsome sons. The parents were glad to have two more sons. By the end of one year the two babies became 3 months old. Narahari told his mother that her desire was fulfilled. She would get 2 more sons and they will all live happily. She should now permit him to live as per Sanyasdharma.

The parents bowed to Narahari and said, `You are our family God. We cannot say anything before you. Please forgive us if we have spoken any harsh words, thinking you to be our son. Our devotion to Shri Shankar has materialized. You made us glorious. When shall we see you again?

Narahari - `I shall be before you whenever you remember me. You will have one daughter and two more sons. You will have no miseries and in the end you will attain the best place in Parlok. I have now to proceed to Badri Narayan to meet Siddhu. So please allow me to go'

The parents, males and females of the town walked with Narahari. Some said `see how a Brahmachari is going for penance. He is an incarnation of God. Else at such tender age of only seven, how can he know all the four Vedas?' All others bowed to him and returned. The parents still followed Narahari, who then appeared before them in the form of Shripad Shri Vallabha. The parents put their heads on his feet and then Narahari immediately went away.

Narahari started for Badrinarayan. On the way he reached the holy `Kashi'. He did penance here and saw the Vishweshwar. He also practiced here all the kinds of Yogas. Many Sanyasis also observed penance at this holy place. Narahari showed great proficiency in Yoga. Many Sanyasis came to see him.

There had been one old Sanyasi named `Krishna Saraswati' who had realized Brahma. He also showed respect for Narahari. He said to all the Sanyasis, 'He is not an ordinary human being but he is an incarnation of God and deserves respect from all. Let us request him to be a Sanyasi and bless the people'.

Accordingly all went to him and said, `It will be better if you now accept Sanyas-diksha as per religious rules and accept worship and respect from us and favor us with your blessings. Sanyasis are despised in this Kaliyug. Though there are different means of devotion, Sanyas in particular is dishonored. Shri Shankaracharya rejuvenated Sanyasdharma in the seventh century. But now Kali being more influential, the Sanyas is being degenerated. So you please rejuvenate it.'

Narahari conceded to the request and accepted Sanyas-diksha from Shri Krishna Saraswati.
Namdharak interrupted, "When Narahari himself was Shri Guru Dattatreya incarnate, why did he have another Guru?"

Shri Siddha, "In former days Vasishta was the Guru of Shri Ram, and Sandipani was the Guru of Shri Krishna, in the same way, Krishna Saraswati became Guru of Narahari and hereafter he was known as `Shri Narasimha Saraswati. In human life human customs are to be followed and so Narahari approached the well known aged Yati (sanyasi) Krishna Saraswati and accepted him as his Guru."

Shri Shankar is the first Guru, Shri Vishnu the second, Brahmadeo is the third. After these followed Vasishta, Parashara and Vyasa, who was the incarnation of Shri Vishnu. Thereafter Shuka, Goudpad, Govind-guru, Shankaracharya, Vishwarupvarya, Dnyanbodhgiriya, Giriraj, Ishwartirth and bharatitirth succeeded one after the other. Thereafter, Vidyaranya, Shripadmuni, Vityatirth, Malianand, Deotirth, Saraswatitirth, Saraswati Yadeovendra and his disciple was Krishna Saraswati. Such is the line of succession of Gurus.

Shri Guru Narasimha Saraswati was very much respected in Kashi for his deep knowledge of the Vedas. After some time Shri Guru went to Badrinarayan with many followers. Talking a round of the Marugiri and seeing the holy places of Navakhand, Shri Guru came to Ganga sagar. He then went by the bank of Ganga and came to Prayag. A learned Brahmin `Madhav' saw him there. Shri Guru initiated him with Sanyas and named him `Madhav Saraswati'. Later on Shri Guru had many more followers."
Sri Pada Sri Vallabh Sri Paduka

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